Welcome to michaeljclarkbooks.com. Well, it's more like 'book' right now, though according to the agreements signed with the good people at ECW Press, I've got two more in the fire. (Not the Fahrenheit 451 fire.)
I'm getting ready for my horn-rimmed glasses and corduroy jacket debut with Clean Sweep, slated for wide release on March 13th, 2018. There's an opportunity to win a copy through Goodreads (Follow this handy link.) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36393436-clean-sweep. If you prefer to make your own luck, you can also pre-order through Amazon. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/search/ref=x_gr_w_bb?keywords=9781770413979&index=books&linkCode=qs&tag=x_gr_w_bb_ca-20
The elevator speech goes something like this, about six or seven floors, depending on the building. I wrote about cars and car things for more than 15 years. One day I woke up and realized that no one thinks we're good at driving them anymore. Like most reasonable creative people, I decided to panic, and finish Clean Sweep.