The two-hundred, the fifty K, the two-thirds, and then, the rest

I'm sitting at page 202-203, if MS Word can be believed, on what I have initially decided to call Mahoney's Camaro. On one hand, yay. On the other hand, oh sweet merciful shit. The building, the characters, the plot. (Plot?) It's held my interest this long, so I can only hope that it will do the same when I soak the physical pages with second-rate Amazon printer ink, and hand it to my wifey for the first look. 

The marketing has begun on the first book. The book launch, confirmed!!! (March 15th, 2018, at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg.) I was given the option of a 50-person space, or a 20-120 modular pad. I went modular, and not just because I like saying the word slowly for fun. I want the place to be splitting at the seams, fist-fights breaking out for copies, and the proverbial cops showing up to haul us all away in paddy wagons. Gonzo book launch! Relax McNally, I'm sure it won't go down like that, but I anticipate a turn-out that will be at capacity. (A polite, well-behaved capacity.)

Facebook has been quite an experience. I'll throw up the odd thing that interests me, blink hard at the political machinations of my friends. (Ray, I'm looking in your direction, a direction that needs to be in a book at some point.) I'll probably get people to come here and check out my ramble, instead of plopping said ramble into a wallpaper surrounded by unicorns and babbling brooks. Seventeen friends! Huzzah! (At least one of them will help me move the body, isn't that right, RAY?)

I'll probably do a video before the year is out to promote Clean Sweep, plop it on the Road Trip YouTube channel. I'm hoping that my twisted views about cupholders and crash protection will ka-ching a few purchases through the Amazonian jungle. (That's where the fulfillment centre is, right?)

Looks like my first interview will be coming up soon, so I'll keep you up to date, post it when its ready. 

The goal is to be done the first draft of the second book by December 14th. The will, and the speed are there. So there it is, a deadline imposed. I'll check back in then to let you know how correct/full-of-BS I was with that statement.

Merry Happy